Upcoming Events
Pacific Northwest
29marAll Day30Adepticlash 2025Milwaukee Wisconsin
Event Details
Adepticlash has a new venue this year at the Baird Center in Milwaukee! Adepticlash is the premier Mantic Kings of War event hosted at Adepticon. Mantic has re-invested into making this
Event Details
Adepticlash has a new venue this year at the Baird Center in Milwaukee!
Adepticlash is the premier Mantic Kings of War event hosted at Adepticon. Mantic has re-invested into making this event great!
Check out Countercharge podcast episodes 720 and 743 for great details on what to expect.
Player pack:
march 29 (Saturday) - 30 (Sunday)
Max Attendies
29mar(mar 29)9:00 am30(mar 30)6:00 pmLoaded Dice GTWilkes-barre, PA
Event Details
The Loaded Dice gaming club would like to welcome you to the first ever Fully Loaded Game Tournament! Fully Loaded is a two day, five game, Kings of War tournament.
Event Details
The Loaded Dice gaming club would like to welcome you to the first ever Fully Loaded Game Tournament! Fully Loaded is a two day, five game, Kings of War tournament. It will be held on Saturday, March 29th and Sunday March 30th, 2025. The event will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott, Wilkes-Barre Arena, 879 Schechter Dr, Wilkes-barre, PA 18702. Armies will be 2300 points. No allies allowed. Command dice and chess clocks required. Rounds will be 70 minutes per side any player that clocks out will be permitted to finish the phase. Scoring will use the blackjack scoring system. Your $70 entry fee includes: snacks, water, lunch Saturday, lunch Sunday, and a raffle ticket. Awards include: best overall, best general, best new general (a general who has attended less than 3 KoW GTs), best painted army, sportsmanship, players’ choice, and crappiest luck (the player who roles the highest number of snake eyes on nerve checks). Hope to see you there!
Please prepay via Venmo or Cashapp:
@Jolyn-Dudick $ChettyD
Friday evening gaming pending.
Hotel discount link: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1731426435391&key=GRP&guestreslink2=true
You MUST fill out the google form below to attend, thanks!
29 (Saturday) 9:00 am - 30 (Sunday) 6:00 pm
Max Attendies
12aprAll Day13Lonewolf GT 2025Dallas Fort Worth, Texas
Event Details
Formerly one of the largest Warhammer Fantasy GTs in Texas, Lonewolf GT has a rich history of epic competition, top caliber players and some of the coolest trophies around. We
Event Details
Formerly one of the largest Warhammer Fantasy GTs in Texas, Lonewolf
GT has a rich history of epic competition, top caliber players and some
of the coolest trophies around. We have continued that tradition into
the Kings of War era.
For decades, Lonewolf has stood as one of the premiere fantasy
wargaming events in the south. Since the shift to Kings of War in 2016,
Lonewolf has grown to be among the largest competitive Kings of War
events in the world. Come be part of Texas Grand Tournament and Kings of
War History!
The LoneWolf Grand Tournament will be held on: April 12-13, 2025
april 12 (Saturday) - 13 (Sunday)
DFW Airport Marriott South
4151 Centreport Boulevard
Max Attendies
25apr(apr 25)9:00 pm27(apr 27)9:00 pmVanguard GT 2025Fredericksburg, VA
Event Details
The 2025 Vanguard GT is a 2,300 point, two-day Kings of War Grand Tournament held in Fredericksburg, Virginia on April 25-27, 2025.
Event Details
The 2025 Vanguard GT is a 2,300 point, two-day Kings of War Grand Tournament held in Fredericksburg, Virginia on April 25-27, 2025.
25 (Friday) 9:00 pm - 27 (Sunday) 9:00 pm
Willow Haven
13604 Kalmbacks Mill Drive, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Max Attendies
24may(may 24)10:00 am25(may 25)4:00 pmCarolina Cryptid 3Durham North Carolina
Event Details
This is Carolina’s third annual Kings of War GT. This is a duel region qualifier for mid Atlantic and the south East. This will be a 2300 point two day 5
Event Details
This is Carolina’s third annual Kings of War GT. This is a duel region qualifier for mid Atlantic and the south East.
This will be a 2300 point two day 5 game GT featuring a unique progressive scoring.
Player pack to be posted later . Follow us on our FB page for Carolina Cryptid and the NC KoW pages for all updates!
24 (Saturday) 10:00 am - 25 (Sunday) 4:00 pm
Atomic Empire
3400 Westgate Dr #14b, Durham, NC 27707
Max Attendies
31mayAll Day01junBugeater 2025Omaha Nebraska
Event Details
Bugeater GT is one of the longest running wargaming events in the country. This will be our 13th year (9th with KoW). For those that aren’t familiar with Bugeater, our
Event Details
Bugeater GT is one of the longest running wargaming events in the country. This will be our 13th year (9th with KoW). For those that aren’t familiar with Bugeater, our event is a fundraiser for the local High School debate and drama programs. We have raised over $70,000 in our 13 years of running this event.
Friday we host an open Mantic game day. We will have Firefight, Halo, Armada, and Deadzone available to play/demo.
Friday evening is our annual KoW Speed event. 1200pts, 3 games, all done in 2 hours!
KoW Main event is Sat/Sun, 5 games. Player pack will be made available on the website by end of April. Expect 2300pts, NO command dice, and a special Titan. The price is $75 per player this year, but that does include Lunch for both Saturday and Sunday as well as Dinner Saturday night. We host our annual “Backyard BBQ” Saturday after all games are finished; you bring your drink of choice and we will have all the grilled meats! If you are looking for a place to crash message Adam Ballard asap.
Hope to see you all there!
May 31 (Saturday) - June 1 (Sunday)
Millard West High School
5710 S 176th Ave.
Max Attendies
31mayAll Day01junBugeater 2025Omaha Nebraska
Event Details
Bugeater GT is one of the longest running wargaming events in the country. This will be our 13th year (9th with KoW). For those that aren’t familiar with Bugeater, our
Event Details
Bugeater GT is one of the longest running wargaming events in the country. This will be our 13th year (9th with KoW). For those that aren’t familiar with Bugeater, our event is a fundraiser for the local High School debate and drama programs. We have raised over $70,000 in our 13 years of running this event.
Friday we host an open Mantic game day. We will have Firefight, Halo, Armada, and Deadzone available to play/demo.
Friday evening is our annual KoW Speed event. 1200pts, 3 games, all done in 2 hours!
KoW Main event is Sat/Sun, 5 games. Player pack will be made available on the website by end of April. Expect 2300pts, NO command dice, and a special Titan. The price is $75 per player this year, but that does include Lunch for both Saturday and Sunday as well as Dinner Saturday night. We host our annual “Backyard BBQ” Saturday after all games are finished; you bring your drink of choice and we will have all the grilled meats! If you are looking for a place to crash message Adam Ballard asap.
Hope to see you all there!
May 31 (Saturday) - June 1 (Sunday)
Millard West High School
5710 S 176th Ave.
Max Attendies
21junAll Day22Kings of Memphis 5 - You Only Command Dice TwiceCordova, TN
june 21 (Saturday) - 22 (Sunday)
Max Attendies
28jun(jun 28)9:00 am29(jun 29)1:00 pmIowa GTPella, Iowa
Event Details
2300 Points, 5 games. Command dice and withdraw rule will be in use. Allies are not allowed. Player pack will be posted on Iowa kow, mountain region, and Midwest region
Event Details
2300 Points, 5 games. Command dice and withdraw rule will be in use. Allies are not allowed. Player pack will be posted on Iowa kow, mountain region, and Midwest region Facebook pages. Email stephenlawrencederose@gmail.com with questions. Cost is $60.
28 (Saturday) 9:00 am - 29 (Sunday) 1:00 pm
Max Attendies
20sepAll Day21Crossroads GTElmira, NY
Event Details
September 20-21 Points level: 2300 Rounds: 5 Cost: $65 Crossroads is continuing the 4-player team tournament format! We will have space for 20
Event Details
September 20-21
Points level: 2300
Rounds: 5
Cost: $65
Crossroads is continuing the 4-player team tournament format!
will have space for 20 teams, so a total of 80 players. If you don’t
have 3 other club-mates that you can form a team with, that is not a
problem. Sign up anyway and we will match players up to fill out
complete 4 player teams.
september 20 (Saturday) - 21 (Sunday)
Max Attendies
Current Top Players
Mid-Atlantic | Chet Dudick |
Mountain | Adam Ballard |
Northeast | Corey Reynolds |
Pacific Northwest | Ryan Munsell |
South | Dustin Howard |
Southeast | Andy Patton |
West | Scott Holcomb |